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Student Volunteers


Due to a high level of student interest in volunteering on a clinical team at UMSRFC, pre-clinical student (M1/M2) and clinical students (M3/M4/NP) students are selected to volunteer through a lottery system. Each semester, students receive an email with the opportunity to sign up to volunteer for the clinic. Selected students can then choose a date to volunteer at UMRSFC. Medical and nursing students will be required to attend a volunteer training on-campus.


Medical and nursing students (undergraduate and graduate) interested in contributing to the MAC and Patient Intake program will have the opportunity to apply every semester. Because these roles require more significant training, they come with a larger time commitment, and an opportunity to volunteer several times per semester.

If you have any questions, please email us at:


At UMSRFC, medical and NP students collect the history and physical from the patients. Please use the Student Resources on the right to familiarize yourself with UMSRFC and Practice Fusion, our EMR system.

Student Resources

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